Keep An Eye On Your Stuff: Sh*t Happens – Part 4

December 31, 2021

In this video

  • The importance of regularly checking your equipment
  • Avoiding extra expenses on replacements

Welcome to another episode of “Sh*t Happens".



  1. As a newer business owner, I am constantly making mistakes and encountering challenges on a day-to-day basis. But I’ve also realized that when mistakes are made, I can learn from those experiences and do better in the future. That’s why I’ve prepped this series on “sh*t happens” for the ECHO Means Business community to let you know that you’re not alone - everyone makes mistakes!



In this video, I share the importance of doing regular checks of your equipment and keeping an eye on your tools to avoid extra expenses on replacements. And if you’re like me and you find yourself in this situation, you can check ECHO Means Business exclusive offer where you can receive 15% off purchases sitewide with eReplacementParts so you can get ahead with the rest of your day.





Watch the video below and let’s chat in the forum.

Teno Cardoso
AJ’s Lawn Care
2025 UAG Member