1 Big Reason to Involve your Landscaping Clients in the Care of their Properties

August 5, 2022

In this video

  • Why we should involve our clients in their property’s maintenance

  • Simple landscaping maintenance tasks they could do

  • Tips on how to handle the relationship with your clients

Has it happened to you that you have regular clients, and on each visit you find that the lawn is not in the best condition? Maybe your clients don’t water the lawn or plants, and they only depend on the rain. Or maybe, they just don’t want to mess up your work and wait until you pay a new visit.

In my opinion, I find that when we combine efforts with our clients, we get better results. This doesn’t mean they have to do your job, but there are simple and easy tasks they can do between your visits that will make a difference in their properties.


For example, giving them tips about these topics can be beneficial for both of you:

- Irrigation
- Insect/bug control
- Fertilizers
- Small maintenance tasks

Watch the full video to learn my whole take on this matter and my tips on how to benefit from involving your clients in the care of their properties.

Jensen Martinez
Lawn Squad Mowing
2023 UAG Member